a.k.a. Frontotemporal lobar dementia FTLD
Clinical features, plus supportive imaging
Clinical features:
Behavioural symptoms:
- Progressive change in personality
- Decline of reasoning
- Social inappropriateness
Primary progressive aphasia:
- Anomia (inability to retrieve nouns upon demand),
- Agrammatism (inappropriate word order or use of prepositions),
- Loss of semantic knowledge about words and objects
Clinical variants: progressive nonfluent aphasia, semantic dementia,
Findings on Investigations:
CT: symmetric lobar atrophy of the temporal +/-frontal lobes
MRI: symmetric lobar atrophy of the temporal +/-frontal lobes
- Regional hypoperfusion in frontal & anterior temporal lobes
Brain biopsy or autopsy findings: gold standard
See under the following headings
- Tau accumulates (microtubule associated protein tau MAPT gene chr. 17q21)
Pick disease:
- Pick bodies = tau positive intraneuronal inclusions in frontotemporal cortex & hippocampus.
- Pick cells = tau positive neurons with swollen eosinophilic cytoplasm.
- Cortical Neuronal loss & microvacuolation may occur
Multiple system tauopathy FTLD-MST:
- Also affects substantia nigra, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and cerebellar dentate nucleus
- Tau positive intraneuronal & glial inclusions
- Usually familial
Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 FTLDP-17:
- A rare familial form
Tau negative FTLD
FTLD with ubiquitin only staining FTLD-U:
- The ubiquinated protein in the inclusions is TAR DNA binding protein 43 a.k.a. TDP-43 (TARDBP gene chr. 1). Normal neurons have TDP-43 in the nucleus, abnormal neurons have cytoplasmic TDP-43 inclusions.
FTLD with motor neuron disease FTLD-MND:
- Cortical Microvacuolation & neuronal loss.
- Subcortical gliosis. Basal ganglia atrophy.
- Ubiquitin +TDP-43 inclusions in cortical neurons & hippocampal dentate granule cells
- Degeneration of motor neurons
- Dementia lacking distinctive histology DLDH
Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID):
- Neurofilament positive & alpha-internexin positive cytoplasmic inclusions, ubiquitin positive intranuclear inclusions
Genetic/familial forms in FTD:
- Mutations in PGRN gene chr. 17q21, the protein is progranulin, causes FTLD-U.
- Mutations in MAPT gene chr. 17q21, the protein is tau, causes: FTDP-17 or FTLD-MST
Pick’s disease:
Diagnosis, Pick’s disease:
- CT or MRI: symmetric lobar atrophy of the temporal +/-frontal lobes
- Autopsy findings are the gold standard
- This is a form of frontotemporal dementia FTD
Treatment for Frontotemporal dementia:
Supportive care