Visual evoked potentials VEP:
- P100 latency ~100ms
- Prolonged P100 latency:
- Optic neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, toxic amblyopia, vitamin B12 deficiency, Leber optic atrophy, and tumors compressing the optic nerve
- Optic nerve compression (eg, orbital tumor) may distort the P100 morphology and reduce the amplitude relative to the contralateral eye
Somatosensory evoked potentials SSEP:
Upper extremity SSEP:
- Stimulating at the median nerve:
- N5 potential is recorded in the median or ulnar nerve
- N9 potential is recorded at the Erb’s point
- N11 potential is recorded at the dorsal root entry
- N13 potential is created by dorsal column of the cervical cord
- N14 at the cervicomedullary junction
- N20 potentials is at the cortical area
Lower extremity SSEP:
- Stimulation at the posterior tibial nerve:
- N22 at the lumbar cord grey matter
- P38 at the cortex
Clinical correlation:
In brain death:
- N13 may be present
Brain stem auditory evoked potentials BAEP:
Brain stem auditory evoked responses BAERs:
- Five distinct electrical potentials from different points in the pathway are measured:
- Latency between potential I & II: cochlea & auditory nerve
- Latency between potential II & III: first relay in brain stem. Superior olive and trapezoid body.
- Latency between potential III & IV: further relays prior to inferior colliculus. i.e. pons and midbrain.
- Use:
- For brain death, intraoperative monitoring & auditory pathway
- Prolongation of the absolute latencies of waves I-V with a normal I-V interpeak latency are found in peripheral auditory dysfunction
- Prolonged I-V interpeak latency and a reduced V/I amplitude ratio are seen in central auditory conduction abnormalities