Recurrent oral ulceration plus two of the following:
- Recurrent genital ulceration
- Eye lesions
- Skin lesions
Pathergy test: skin reaction to intradermal saline injection
Findings on Investigations:
MRI brain:
- Infarcts: brainstem and thalamic
- Cerebral Angiogram/angiography:
- Narrowing, aneurysm (arterial and venous)
Investigations to consider:
- ESR and CRP: Raised
- FBC: leukocytosis
Mucous membrane involvement:
- Glucocorticoid mouthwash or paste
- Lidomide if severe
Thrombophlebitis: aspirin 325 mg/d
Arthritis: colchicine or interferon a
Uveitis or CNS involvement:
- Prednisolone +azathioprine
- or cyclosporin