Mesotemporal Sclerosis


a.k.a. mesial temporal sclerosis a.k.a. Amon’s horn sclerosis a.k.a. hippocampal sclerosis


Pathology is the gold standard, but MRI is very sensitive


Gold standard
Atrophy, white discolouration of the hippocampal formation, enlarged temporal horn of the lateral ventricle. Fornix atrophy.
Microscopically: loss of neurons (pyramidal & dentate layer) in CA1 (Sommer sector) & CA4 (end-folium). Discontinuity of dentate granular layer. Astrocytic gliosis. Atrophy of white matter efferents (alveus & fimbria).

Findings on investigations:


  • Hippocampal sclerosis: atrophy on T1, high signal on T2, decreased hippocampal volume


  • Absolute interictal spike frequency = or >60spikes/hr is associated with poor surgical outcome, if <60spikes/hr it’s associated with good surgical outcome for amygldalohippocampectomy.

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