Fibromuscular Dysplasia


Fibromuscular dysplasia FMD,


Catheter angiography:

  • Affects: extracranial vessels e.g. carotid artery
  • Dilated portions (larger than normal parent vessel) & stenotic portions
  • +/-Pseudoaneurysm

Type 1: ‘string if pearls’ beaded appearance
Type 2: tubular stenosis (focal or multifocal)
Type 3: limited to part of the arterial wall
False negatives with MRA, CTA and ultrasound but CTA is a useful screening test


  • Tunica media: smooth muscle cell hyperplasia, proliferation of fibroblasts, fibrosis
  • Dilated portions (larger than normal parent vessel) & stenotic portions
  • +/-dissection, +/-pseudoaneurysm, +/-berry aneurysm, +/- CCF, +/-rare VA arteriovenous fistula,

Vessels affected:

  • Extracranial ICA (usually mid-portion), VA (mid-distal)
  • Less commonly, Intracranial ICA, VA
  • Renal arteries
  • Other vessels may be affected

Investigations to consider:

Catheter angiography:

  • Exclude other mechanisms e.g. atheroma
  • Evaluate for presence of aneurysms


Depends on complications e.g. stroke, pseudoaneurysm, dissection etc.
No randomized controlled trials are available.

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