Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy a.k.a. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, CIDP
Is by clinical findings supported by +NCS/EMG and occasionally nerve biopsy
Clinical features:
Clinical: >2 months, gradual onset, usually sensorimotor, arms & legs, proximal weakness & distal weakness, usually spares the cranial nerves, thickened nerves may occur.
NCS/EMG Nerve conduction studies:
Key features: Evidence of demyelination, rarely secondary axonal degeneration
- Conduction block, Temporal dispersion
- Decreased conduction velocities & prolonged distal latencies.
- Amplitude: normal apart from conduction block
- Decreased conduction velocities & prolonged distal latencies.
- Amplitudes: normal or decreased
- Prolonged F latencies.
EMG: normal or mild denervation changes, decreased recruitment (neuropathic recruitment)
Pathology, nerve biopsy:
- Endoneurium: Inflammation: Infiltrate of macrophages & lymphocytes, Perivascular
- Luxol fast blue: Onion bulb formation: demyelination & remyelination
- Demyelinated or thinly myelinated fibres, they are variable within a fascicle
- Axonal degeneration if longstanding
- Immunohistochemsitry: macrophages, CLA for lymphocytes
Teased fibres:
- Demyelination
- Features more prominent in nerve roots (autopsy specimen),
CSF analysis, Albuminocytological dissociation:
Protein75-200 mg/dL
Raised IgG
Normal WCC
CIDP Variants:
- CIDP, idiopathic
- CIDP with paraproteinemia, includes:
- MGUS, Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma, plasmacytoma, POEMS syndrome, B cell lymphoma, CLL,
- CIDP with SLE, inflammatory bowel disease, sarcoidosis, chronic active hepatitis,
- CIDP with HIV
- CIDP with hepatitis B, hepatitis C
- CIDP with Diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis
- CIDP with hereditary demyelinating neuropathies
- CIDP with bone marrow & organ transplantation
Investigations to consider:
Blood tests:
- FBC, blood chemistry panel, Creatinine, Mg, Phosphate
- Fasting blood glucose & HbA1c
- HIV testing
- TFTs, LFTs: chronic active hepatitis
- SPEP with IFE: paraproteinemia
- If MGUS noted on SPEP: immunofixation, UPEP, uric acid, beta 2 – microglobulin, lactate dehydrogenase, rheumatoid factor, serum cryoglobulins,
- If signs of POEMS syndrome (peripheral lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, macroglossia) then serum VEGF levels.
- ANA, ESR, CRP, complement
- LP, CSF analysis, including cytology
- Hepatitis serology
- ACE level, Ca++: sarcodosis
- Anti-MAG, anti-GM1
- Heavy metal screen
- Porphyria testing
Nerve biopsy in atypical cases
Abdominal ultrasound: in POEMS syndrome
Skeletal survey or low dose CT whole body: if paraproteinemia is present
- Intravenous immunoglobulin IVIg 2g/kg divided over 5 days & repeat monthly & then space out treatment
- or plasma exchange and repeat:
- One plasma volume (40-50 mL/kg) X5 exchanges (i.e. total 200-250 mL/kg) over 7-14 days.
- or Prednisolone high dose 60-80mg (or 1.5mg/Kg in children) for 2-4 weeks and switch to alternate day therapy, then taper to maintenance dose after maximum response is achieved. Prophylaxis & treatment of steroid complications
If unresponsive to treatment, consider:
- Azathioprine p.o. 1mg/kg X2 weeks then increase to 2-3mg/kg.monitor FBC & LFTs
- or cyclophosphamide 50mg/kg I.V. for 4 days, then G-CSF on day 10
- or interferon Beta 30 microg/kg I.M.
- or Rituximab 375 mg/m-2 I.V. every 4 weeks
- or etanercept 25 mg SubQ twice a week