This section discusses extracranial internal carotid artery stenosis due to atherosclerotic disease.
Catheter angiography DSA digital subtraction angiography:
- Gold standard test
- NASCET measurement:
- N= narrowest diameter of residual lumen
- D= diameter of ICA well beyond the bulb
- Percentage stenosis= (1-N/D) X 100
- Useful for:
- Suspected Total occlusion, Difficult anatomy, Fibromuscular dysplasia, Dissection, Disconcordant tests, Very calcified carotid stenosis
Carotid artery duplex ultrasound (B mode ultrasound +doppler):
- Moderate stenosis 50-70%
- Severe stenosis 70-99%
- Differentiates between atheroma and thrombosis/acute plaque change:
- Lucent areas in the plaque: corresponding to necrosis or hemorrhage
- Thickness of fibrous cap: thin cap is associated with ulceration & necrosis
- Can assess Carotid Intima-Media Thickness
- Time of flight TOF method: over-estimates the occlusion
- High spatial resolusion CE MRA: for stenosis >70% & for occlusion. Thrombosis may be mistaken for atherma
- Narrowest portion of internal carotid artery correlates to NASCET-style measured stenosis:
- 2.2mm to 50% NASCET-style stenosis
- 1.3 mm to 70% NASCET-style stenosis
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound TCD:
- Absence of microemboli confers lower risk.
Investigations to consider:
- Lipid panel: Cholesterol, triglycerides
- Fasting glucose, HbA1c
- MRI or CT: silent infarcts for baseline
Address risk factors:
- BP, Cholesterol, diabetes
Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis:
- Antiplatelet:
- Clopidogrel, or Aspirin +/-dipyridamole, or Cilostazol
- +/-Revascularization (carotid artery stenting or Endarterectomy) if >70% (debatable but supported by current evidence in spite of high NNT, ACST)
Symptomatic: also see TIA, or stroke section
- Antiplatelet:
- Clopidogrel, or Aspirin +/-dipyridamole, or Cilostazol
- +Revascularization (carotid artery stenting or Endarterectomy) if >70% by NASCET criteria within 2 weeks of symptoms at the latest
Carotid artery stenting (CAS):
- best done under local anesthesia with consciouss sedation (angioplasty +stenting) [CAVATAS,SAPHIRE,EVA-3S,SPACE, ICSS]
- Heparin during procedure, protection device is used
- Aspirin +clopidogrel for 3 months afterwards
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA):
- Mostly under general anaesthetic, +patch: synthetic or veinous +intraoperative shunt +/-transcranial ultrasound
- With antiplatelets [Mayo clinic trial]
Things that don’t work:
- Extracranial-intracranial bypass [EC/IC]